The Relationship Between G6PD Variations And Malaria In Calabar, Nigeria
DOI: dx-doi-org-10-4314-amls-v3i2-4
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Introduction: This study was carried out to ascertain the burden of malaria based on the G6PD status of the participants. A total of 225 inhabitants were recruited for this study.
Materials and Methods: Participants were tested for malaria infection using microscopic and serological techniques.
Results: The prevalence of malaria infection in the study was 27.1%. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique detected G6PD and its variations. The prevalence rate of G6PD deficiency in the entire study population was 15.1%, and the difference between malaria-positive subjects who were G6PD deficient and those with normal G6PD was significant. The study indicated a male sex bias in the prevalence of G6PD deficiency in the population studied.