Annals of Medical Laboratory Science The official Journal of the West African Postgraduate College of Medical Labortory Science

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Prof. Zaccheaus Awortu Jeremiah, Faculty of Medical Laboratory Science, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Prof. Faruk Sarkinfada [sdc_download id="857"]

Bacterial Contaminants in Stored Blood and Blood Products at Zomba Central Hospital Blood Bank: Assessing the Possible Risk of Post-Transfusion Sepsis in a Resource-Limited Setting

Eshanie A. Office, Thomas C. Salimu
12-21 [sdc_download id="848"]

Microbial Load Burden of Solid Waste Biodegradable Microbes of Dumps In Relation to Economic and Health Implication of Waste Scavengers in Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Mbata, C.A., Aleru, C. P., Isomah C. J. and Welenya, W. O.
33-44 [sdc_download id="842"]

Helicobacter Pylori Infection And Risk Factors Among Outpatient Attendees Of Jos And Bingham University Teaching Hospitals, Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria

Banda JM., David OS.,Ida, OL., Banda SF., Ede FR., Ndubuisi JC., Joshua IA., Onyemelukwe GC
66-75 [sdc_download id="833"]